Tag Archives: social media

The Merging Mind: Tink and Think SM

I am a tinkerer / thinkerer. It is not enough for me to know that something can be done.  I want to know how to do it first.  Therefore, I spend “way too much” time on this computer.

And what is “way to much? ” I can’t say exactly.   The good news is that I am still happily married to a wonderful husband and am capable of caring for my coolest cats and making meals for the family. However, by the time my daily social media journey has ended for the day and the sun has set,  I am ready to withdrawal into the abyss of my TV.   This could very well be an indication that I am spending way to much time on this jalopy.

Since leaving my corporate giant job, I have spent my time reinventing myself with the idea of helping others invent and reinvent themselves.  Something I have done extensive research on.

The activity of thinking through an idea is quite large and I’m not sure that many people take the time to exert brain power on this activity since we all seem to be doing our best at keeping up with our daily work and personal responsibilities. And of course, taking time to relax and remember that there is a life outside of this rectangle is important.

It has occurred to me lately, that my work and life dynamics need to shift and enlarge themselves.  It’s not enough to tink and think.  It’s more about merging the knowledge and ideas into a packaged good.  Therefore, my aim until the end of  this year, is to experiment with what this all means.

My hope is that this  blog will keep me discipline, focused, motivated, and help me to further develop my analytic skills.  By sharing and reading about how others have strengthened their minds is the journey I shall be on.  The aim:  To be more visionary.  I hope to hear your experiences as well.

I am not the lone-ranger but sometimes I feel like one.

I look forward to hearing from you and approaching this head-on.